Lifestyle documentary style newborn baby photo shoot in the family’s home – Banbury & Cotswolds family photographer

I absolutely love photographing new babies, and it’s even more special when I already know the client a bit! Diane and I were friendly acquaintances at the time via a wider circle of local Banbury area mums, and since the shoot we have in fact become good friends. 🙂 I did this belated newborn lifestyle photo shoot for the family with Mum, Dad, newly-3 year old toddler B and 3 month old baby girl E.

A little note to say – at 3 months old it is usually a bit too late for “newborn” photos, even if they’re lifestyle and don’t rely on wrapping a super-bendy newborn, so don’t leave it that late if you’re planning one for yourself. This is because babies of this age are more alert and often go through clingy phases and growth spurts when they can be particularly difficult to settle. Little E was also going through such a phase, so most of the photos we could get were breastfeeding ones – when we tried to remove her, she mostly started crying! Luckily we did get some where she was a bit calmer, and also captured a precious moment with her big brother B, who was otherwise more interested in playing with helicopters with his dad, as 3 years olds do!

Enquire about a family photo shoot

Tell me more about your family and let’s create YOUR beautiful, bespoke photos!
If you’re having trouble with the form, just email me directly at hello[at]barbasboth[dot]com.

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